Journalistic service by Lsc Comunicazione Lorena Sivo and video shooting by Giovanni Iacono V edition


Interview with Leone Cappiello, President of  SyArt, at the new M.Car BMW Group headquarters. The occasion was the draw for the electric scooter put up for grabs during the fourth edition of the Festival.

Service by Lorena Sivo, Video and editing by Giovanni Iacono.


Journalistic service by Lorena Sivo and video shooting by Giovanni Iacono

TGR RAI CAMPANIA July 18th 2020 IV Edition

Opening IV Edition 2020 by Giovanni De Luca

VG21 July 14th 2020 Journalistic service by Gaia Mancini

Vernissage Video editing by Agresta Production III EDITION 2019


TG Televomero III EDITION 2019

Journalistic service by Lorena Sivo and video shooting by Giovanni Iacono III EDITION 2019

La serenità Contemporary Art in Motion by Enrico Agresta & Francesco Cuomo Vernissage may 11 2019


Third edition SyArt Sorrento Festival May 11 – June 9 Villa Fiorentino

Live Performance di TVBoy “Arte, Amore e…Fantasia” by Arbiter II EDITION 2018

Vernissage April 7th 2018 di Enrico Agresta Production II EDITION 2018

Murale “Sorrento loves art” painted by TVBOY

Contemporary Art Motion exclusive preview at SyART by Enrico Agresta Productions and Francesco Cuomo